Category Archives: family
My too cool dudes….
My favorite models of all time…my sons. Although most often they are reluctant models. I love capturing image of my sons. Two weeks ago my oldest turned 13. I can’t believe how fast time flies. It’s seems like only yesterday he could almost fit in one hand. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams with my two amazing sons!!!
Car Show
Last Sunday afternoon there was a car show in Memorial Park here in Lebanon, In. After cooking up some burgers and having a great time with my family for Father’s Day me and my two sons headed over to look at the awesome cars. Now I’m not a huge car guy. I mean when people start talking about this size engine or that type of fuel injection…yada, yada…I generally develop a blank stare. I can’t change the oil and brake pads but after that I get lost. That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate cool cars. Especially old cool cars. The boys and I had a great time purusing the cars. My favorite are the old trucks. I love to see an old truck all fixed up and blinged out (not sure it that’s the right use of that word or not but it just seemed to fit, ha!) My favorite of the day was an old Ford pickup. I shot a few pics but my favorite was the one below of the emblem on the front.
The car below was the boys favorite of the day….
Nothing better than hanging out with my boys!!!!
Family Portraits
This last weekend I had the opportunity to do family portraits for the Earl family. We had a great time and got some great images. This is the second time in the last two years that I’ve been able to capture images of their family. I think it’s awesome to see a family making it a priority to have family portraits taken. Thanks guys…I had a blast.
Trey’s B-day
My youngest son Trey had a B-day party on Saturday. We took a few quick snaps of the festivities. He invited a few of his buddies over and they had a “Nerf” Gun war. They played capture the flag and a little bit of flag football afterward we had some Hotdogs, chips and cake & ice cream. All and all the day was a huge success. I can’t believe that I have two sons in double digits. It makes me feel old.
The B-day boy and his new “Nerf” Gun.
Capture the flag winners
Gavyn can’t wait to get started playing.
The whole gang ready to play!!